This article is an all-in-one summary of the information shared across our KB and includes answers to frequently asked questions by the admin users. If you do not find an answer to your question in this article please contact support.
Legend:- Below you can find the frequently asked questions marked as "Q:"
- Right after a question, you will find an answer marked as "A:"
- Blue & Green callouts serve as informational & positive replies i.e. - Can I do "A" or "B"? - Yes, to do so please see "C", where the question and answer will look like below:
Q: Can I do "A" or "B"?
A: Yes, to do so please see "C"
- Pink & Brown callouts serve as informational notes that require attention & negative replies i.e. - Can I do "A" or "B"? No, as doing "A" or "B" is impossible due to "C", where the question and answer will look like below:
Q: Can I do "A" or "B"?
A: No, as doing "A" or "B" is impossible due to "C"
- The article is divided into sections related to specific functionality.
Account Settings
Q: How to change the company's name?
A: Please go to the main menu on the Admin Console and click 'Account Settings'. In the 'General' tab, you can change the Company Name and click 'Save'. If the name is already in use, you will see the notification about it.
Q: I am trying to figure out how to use the Dashboard, is there a guide?
A: Yes, please review the following article that describes the Dashboard functionality
Q: My training includes quizzes, I wonder where can I find a summary of questions that users failed the most?
A: Please see this article that should provide insight for the most failed questions
Q: What exactly are the most vulnerable users, and what does it mean?
A: See the following article which depicts an explanation of this topic
Q: What reports or data can I find in the reports tab?
A: Please review the following article that describes the report's functionality.
Video Library
Q: I've seen a Video Library in the admin panel, can I upload my videos to it?
A: No, as Video Library only shows the videos that are provided by Wizer.
Your custom videos will not show in the Video Library, so you won't be able to share a single video uploaded to the system.
Q: What if want to share a video, can I do it?
A: Yes, videos from Wizer's original training and Custom made training can be shared, please see the instructions here.
Q: Can I or my colleagues review and submit feedback for training? If so, how?
A: Please review the article which depicts the review process
Q: I've just started to use the platform, and want to add more users, but do not know how, do you support only manual addition or can we use CSV upload or any other method?
A: Please review the following article which describes available user addition methods.
Q: How can I complete a training course or another task as an admin? How can I log in to the Learner App?
A: You need to assign the first task, so you will get an email with a link to set up your learner's profile and will be able to log in to the Learner App and complete the task.
Q: What if I want to add another admin user, delete/deactivate a user account, or make some changes to a user profile?
A: You can refer to the below articles which describe how to:
1. How can I add another admin
2. How can I delete/disable user accounts
3. How can I edit a user profile
Q: What Departments are? Should I use them?
A: As training In Wizer is department-based, we strongly suggest using this feature, more information can be seen here.
Q: I've created departments, how do I assign users to them?
A: Please see our guide on how to assign users to departments
Q: I've just signed up and wanted to start training and send it to my users but don't know how?
A: Please review the following article which describes the process of starting training and assigning users.
Q: What if I want to make a copy of the existing Wizer training and make some edits according to my needs or create a custom training and upload my videos & add my quizzes to it?
A: Please refer to the following articles which describe:
Please note that cloning a training and creating custom training features are exclusive to Boost (paid) subscriptions
Q: I'm trying to watch the training yet none of the videos load, all I see is an endless spinning wheel or no playback, what should I do?
A: In situations where all video or audio content is blocked, regardless of source, please allow listing the following domains will ensure the content comes through:
Q: Do my users get a certificate upon finishing the training?
A: Yes, users will receive a certificate upon training completion, for more information please refer to the following article.
Please note that certificates are available for Boost (paid) subscriptions or during trial Boost only, meaning that no certificates will be available with a free subscription.
Q: I want to upload my videos to make a custom training, are there any conditions my videos have to meet?
A: Please review the video requirements here
Phishing Exercise
Q: What is Phishing Exercise and how do I set it up?
A: Please review the following guide which describes the Phishing Exercise feature setup.
Q: Before setting up the Phishing Excercise, I want to see what would the user experience be, is there any overview?
A: You can review the user experience described in the following guide
Q: How do I set up policies?
A: Please refer to the following guide which describes the policy setup process.
Monthly Video
Q: What is monthly video, and how do I enable it?
A: Please review the following article, which describes the feature and how to turn it on.
Please note that the Monthly video is available only with an active Boost subscription
Q: How do I create a phishing campaign?
A: Please review our guide on how to create a phishing campaign.
Q: What is smart phishing? How do I use it?
A: Please review the article which describes the smart phishing campaign functionality.
Q: My campaign has ended, and I want to see the report & archive the campaign afterward, how do I do it?
A: Check our guide on how to review the campaign report and archive the campaign
Q: What do phishing statuses mean?
A: Please review the following article describing the statuses.
Q: Looking at the report I'm not sure this is correct, as what I see is 100% opened and clicked, but my users say they didn't click on anything, can those be false clicks?
A: Please see our guides on how to fix the false clicked status and how to fix the 100% open/clicked statuses
Q: I ran a phishing campaign, it says the email was sent but I didn't receive anything, was this even sent?
A: Please make sure you implemented the whitelisting required for Wizer simulation campaigns to work as expected, see below.
The whitelisting is essential to make campaigns work, hence please follow the instructions if you are using:
Office 365 - Please ensure that all the items described in this guide are in place.
Depending on your configuration additional items might be required to be implemented in case the aforementioned whitelisting didn't help, such items are
- Safe link policies
- Advanced Threat Protection bypass rule
- Bypass spam filtering
Google Workspace - Please ensure that all the items described in this guide are in place.
In case you whitelisted the above items in Google Workspace but your simulation test arrive having a grey spam banner, please see this guide on how to resolve this matter.
A note about 3rd party email validation services, that you might use:
Please see our guides for the below services as allow listing us in those that are required for simulations to work:
- Instructions for Mimecast
- Instructions for Barracuda
- Instructions for Proofpoint
Please note that solutions such as :
- Avannan can have built-in anti-phishing functionality that might require allow listing us
- Antiviruses like ESET might have email security/protection enabled which would require to allow-listing us as well.
Q: What is the report phishing button/extension, do I need it? If so, how can I get it?
A: Report phishing extension allows your users to report suspicious emails, if those emails happen to be Wizer phishing simulation emails, the 'Reported' stat will increment inside the simulation analytics.
See the extension deployment guide for Google Workspace and Office 365
Q: What if I want to make my own phishing template to be used with the Wizer phishing campaign?
A: Please see the template builder overview that describes available features
Account settings & misc
Q: Which currency is used on the pricing page, is that USD or in my local currency?
A: The pricing is shown in USD
Q: Where can I see and manage my Wizer subscription?
A: See our guide on the related topic.
Q: Can we use SSO with Wizer? If so how can we set it up?
A: We support the below vendors and have instructions on how to set up and configure automatic user provisioning if desired:
1. Azure SSO setup instructions can be seen here & user provisioning setup can be seen here.
2. OKTA SSO setup instructions can be seen here & user provisioning setup can be seen here.
3. OneLogin SSO setup instructions can be seen here & user provisioning setup can be seen here.
4. Google Workspace SSO setup instructions can be seen here & user provisioning setup can be seen here.
We also support Custom SAML installations, instructions on how to set up Custom SAML can be reviewed in the following article.
Instructions on how to set up JumpCloud SSO via Custom SAML can be seen here.
Please note that there is no automatic user provisioning app for JumpCloud, hence the users should be added manually or via CSV upload.
Q: Can I upload a logo of my company to the admin portal?
A: Yes, please see how to do so here.
Q: Do my users receive any email notifications from Wizer, if so can I customize them?
A: Please see this article that shows the types of notifications that we send & this guide on how to customize them.
Q: Can we use our own SMTP server to send notifications and invites?
A: Yes, please see our guides on how to configure this with Google Workspace and Office 365
Learner/User App QnA & troubleshooting tips can be found here