
The reports tab in the admin console provides analytics on the overall progress of training and phishing simulations that were run on the account.

In the admin app, access the reports tab from the sidebar, the options presented are on the analytics for Assignments and Phishing summary

The Assignments section presents below items:

Training Progress

The training progress tab presents the analytics for training campaigns that were run on the account.
You can filter those events either by choosing the desired campaign, department, and status (status buttons are also clickable)

You can click on a specific training campaign row to see detailed statistics.

Phishing Exercise

The Phishing Exercise tab provides analytics on the exercises that were run on the account, the data can be filtered by specific campaigns, task status, and departments that had the task assigned.


Monthly Video Progress

The monthly video progress tab provides the data for monthly videos, the statistics can be filtered by certain month, status, and department.

You can also preview the video by clicking on the thumbnail.


The quizzes tab provides analytics for quizzes run during the training.
Data can be sorted by time period, training, and department. 
Available filters are data by users:

and data by questions:



The policies tab shows the analytics on the policy progress.

Data can be filtered by specific policy, status, and department.

Phishing Overview

The phishing overview tab provides insights into the phishing campaigns that were run on the account. Data can be filtered by time period, specific phishing events, specific phishing campaigns, departments, and/or groups that the campaigns were run for.

You can also see the timeline graph that visualizes the event numbers. You can also review the stats per template, recipients, groups, departments, and campaigns.


Phishing templates

The phishing templates tab provides data for the templates used in the simulations that were run on your account.
You can filter out specific time periods, events, campaigns, departments, or groups for which the campaigns were targeted for.


The Recipients tab features the user statistics for the phishing simulation showing the overall number of phishing events per user/recipient of the simulation email.


The groups tab shows statistics for phishing simulation filtered by groups that are on your account.

Please note that the 'Groups' functionality is not provided out of the box, if you are interested in this feature, please reach out to your CSM for more information.



The department tab provides data on the phishing simulation emails received and filtered by departments on your account.


Phishing Campaigns

The phishing campaign summary provides analytics on the Phishing simulation campaigns.

Data can be filtered by specific time periods, phishing events, specific phishing campaigns, and departments that the simulation was run for.

You can click on a specific simulation campaign row to see detailed statistics about it, by pressing on Open Report.

The report will include statistics of all users who took part in the campaign.

For both tabs, the reports can be downloaded as CSV reports.