How to Set Up, Customize, and End the Training

Here you will find the instructions on how to set up training courses, customize them, or end the old training campaigns from the Admin Console

1. Click the Training button from the left-side menu bar and select training courses.
2. Browse available training courses, selecting one to view details such as video count, quizzes, and duration. Explore the Chapter Menu on the right for a content overview.

You can also create a Custom Campaign.


3. Click Setup Training in the upper right corner or beside the 'Help' button.

4. Configure your campaign settings.


The countdown of days to complete starts from the date when the user was invited to complete the task (when the user was invited and the task was assigned).

5. Click Start Training. A confirmation pop-up will appear, notifying you that selected users will receive an email.


6. Enrolled learners will receive an email and access the training through the Learner Console.
The Learner Console looks like this once the training is launched:
7. After the training is set up, it is possible to customize the notification message, and the days to complete the task.
8. To stop the training, navigate to Training, select the course, and click End Training at the top, End Campaign.
The training history will be visible on the Dashboard.

Admin can mark training for the user as a completed task. For this, click Users => Profile => Outstanding Tasks => Training => Mark as completed. The training will appear in Completed Tasks with the info symbol that the task was marked as completed by admin.



Q: What happens when I add a new user?
A: New users are assigned department-specific training with the same time allotment as existing users. They'll receive an email notification.

Q: Will users receive reminders for incomplete training?
A: Yes, users receive automated reminders every Wednesday for incomplete tasks (training, gaming, policies, or monthly video). Turn reminders on or off in the Admin Panel Account Settings.

Any questions? Please, contact our Support Team by emailing us at

Best regards,
