In this article, you will learn how to assign a task to users and how to remove tasks.
Ways To Assign Tasks
Users and Tasks Status | Action | How-To Article |
First users are added, and no task is assigned. | Set up the first task for all users or departments/groups. | How to Set Up, Customize, and End the Training How to Set Up Phishing Exercise How to Set Up Monthly Video How to Set Up Policies |
Tasks are set up for all users or departments/groups, no users are added. | Add users and/or add them to the departments/groups. | How to Add Users How to Assign the Users to Departments |
The task is assigned to a specific group/department. | Add the user to the specific group/department |
How to Assign the Users to Departments How to Create and Manage Groups |
Newcomers are in the department/group with other users. A new training should be assigned to the newcomers, not other users. |
1. Create a new group for newcomers and assign training to them. 2. Remove other users from the group and leave only newcomers. |
Phished users who clicked the simulation email link from the phishing campaign | The 'Phished Users' group is created automatically. Assign a task to this group. | How to Create and Manage Groups. Dynamic group "Phished Users" |
Users are disabled and don't get any notifications. | Enable the users' profiles and check if any task is assigned. | How to Disable and Enable Users |
Unregistered users cannot be included in the phishing campaign and do not get simulation emails | Send a request to | Simulation Emails and Unregistered Users |
Ways To Remove Tasks
Users and Tasks Status | Action | How-To Article |
Tasks are set up for all users. |
End the task. |
How to Set Up, Customize, and End the Training |
The task is assigned to a specific group/department. | Remove the users from the department/group. | |
The task is assigned to duplicate the user's profile. The user gets notifications when they complete the tasks in another profile. |
1. Disable duplicate user's profile. 2. Mark training as complete. |
How to Disable and Enable Users How to Set Up, Customize, and End the Training |
Phished users who clicked the simulation email link from the phishing campaign are assigned to the tasks. |
1. Remove users from the 'Phished Users' group. 2. End tasks for the 'Phished Users' group. |
Dynamic group "Phished Users" |
Users get the phishing simulation emails |
1. Disable users' profiles. 2. Archive the phishing campaign |
How to Disable and Enable Users Phishing Campaign Report and Administration |