How To Assign/ Remove Tasks To Users?

In this article, you will learn how to assign a task to users and how to remove tasks.

Ways To Assign Tasks

Users and Tasks Status Action How-To Article
First users are added, and no task is assigned. Set up the first task for all users or departments/groups. How to Set Up, Customize, and End the Training
How to Set Up Phishing Exercise
How to Set Up Monthly Video
How to Set Up Policies
Tasks are set up for all users or departments/groups, no users are added.  Add users and/or add them to the departments/groups. How to Add Users
How to Assign the Users to Departments
The task is assigned to a specific group/department. Add the user to the specific group/department

How to Assign the Users to Departments

How to Create and Manage Groups
Newcomers are in the department/group with other users. A new training should be assigned to the newcomers, not other users.

1. Create a new group for newcomers and assign training to them.

2. Remove other users from the group and leave only newcomers.

How to Create and Manage Groups

Phished users who clicked the simulation email link from the phishing campaign The 'Phished Users' group is created automatically. Assign a task to this group. How to Create and Manage Groups. Dynamic group "Phished Users"
Users are disabled and don't get any notifications. Enable the users' profiles and check if any task is assigned. How to Disable and Enable Users
Unregistered users cannot be included in the phishing campaign and do not get simulation emails Send a request to Simulation Emails and Unregistered Users


Ways To Remove Tasks

Users and Tasks Status Action How-To Article
Tasks are set up for all users.

End the task.

How to Set Up, Customize, and End the Training
How to Set Up Phishing Exercise
How to Set Up Monthly Video
How to Set Up Policies

The task is assigned to a specific group/department. Remove the users from the department/group.

How to Assign the Users to Departments

How to Create and Manage Groups

The task is assigned to duplicate the user's profile. The user gets notifications when they complete the tasks in another profile.

1. Disable duplicate user's profile.

2. Mark training as complete.

How to Disable and Enable Users

How to Set Up, Customize, and End the Training
Phished users who clicked the simulation email link from the phishing campaign are assigned to the tasks.

1. Remove users from the 'Phished Users' group.

2. End tasks for the 'Phished Users' group.

Dynamic group "Phished Users"
 Users get the phishing simulation emails

1. Disable users' profiles.

2. Archive the phishing campaign

How to Disable and Enable Users

Phishing Campaign Report and Administration