How to Clone and Edit a Training

This article is about how to copy (clone) a training, and how to edit, publish and delete a custom training.

Our platform offers you original Wizer training programs which you can choose and set up for users. If you wish to delete or add some videos or quizzes, you can clone and edit the specific training.

1. Select the Training button from the left-side menu bar.

2. Browse through the training courses available and select the one you would like to clone and edit. You will see the video count, number of quizzes, and duration of the training. Browse through the Chapter Menu on the right to see the content. Then hit Copy and Edit.image-png-Oct-31-2023-12-39-27-1113-PM

3. You may update the Training Name and Description, remove the Videos that you find irrelevant, add videos from the Wizer Video Library, upload your Videos (should not exceed 150MB), Change the order of the Videos and Quizzes, and edit existing Quizzes, delete them, create or upload your ones. You may split the videos/quizzes into topics by hovering your mouse between the videos until the 'Click to Add a Topic' option appears.image-png-Oct-31-2023-12-42-43-9405-PM

 4. You may Preview and Publish your elaborated training. Once you click in the top right corner Custom training becomes available for starting the campaign.


5. You may assign the training immediately or find it under the 'Custom Training' section.


6. To stop the published training, click on Training => Select training course => Click on the button End Training    at the top of the page. The training will be deleted, and the history will be seen on the Dashboard page

7. To delete the Custom Training, enter the custom training and click

at the top of the page. The training will be deleted without the possibility of recovery.

Please note, that you can also set up a Monthly Video in one click from this page, which is a video based on a real story assigned to watch by users every month.


Any questions? Please contact our support specialists at

Best regards,
