Template builder - custom values

If you're interested in designing custom templates for phishing simulations, feel free to utilize the template builder to create your own.

The template builder does support a list of custom values that you can use.

{{.Year}} stands for the current year in number i.e. 2023
{{.Month}} stands for the current month i.e. April
{{.Day}} stands for the current day i.e. Friday
{{.Date}} stands for the current date i.e. 21 April 2023
{{.Department}} stands for the department name
{{.FirstName}} stands for Firstname
{{.LastName}} stands for Lastname
{{.Email}} stands for the recipient's email address
{{.URL}} stands for the phishing link (will be unique for each campaign)


Please note that values should be used as described above, if inserted wrong i.e. {{.DATE}} instead of {{.Date}} the template will malfunction.

The below screenshot features a sample use of the abovementioned values in a builder:

The below screenshot illustrates how the email will look once it arrives with exact same values from the previous screenshot:

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Best regards,
